Wholesale Meat Suppliers for Manufacturers
Bulk Meat Suppliers and Bulk Offals for Human and Pet Food Manufacturers
foodguys has been sourcing and supplying bulk high-quality meats and offals to manufacturers since 91'. By relying on our global network of processors and suppliers, foodguys is able to supply any animal protein in any format and packaging. In addition, foodguys can supply specific organs, fats, broths, and bones. and Our selection of animal proteins includes conventional and novel proteins, if you don't see the meat you're looking for - just ask.
At foodguys, we don't sell you what we have in stock, we find you what you want. Our team is committed to finding the bulk ingredients you're looking for to your exact specification. After we have found your required ingredient, we'll negotiate the best price, coordinate logistics, provide food safety and traceability certificates, all within your preferred schedule. Partnering with foodguys as your wholesale meat suppliers frees up your time while adding a member to your team.
The Answer is YES
Conventional, non-GMO, and organic available
Fresh or frozen
Fats, bones, broths, grinds, dices, and organs available
Edible (human) consumption and inedible (animal) consumption
Bulk offals available
Kosher and Halal available
Cases, pails, drums, and totes
Financial and logistical support available